The content of the submitted form will be sent to Carol Sabbar, Director of Library and Instructional Technology Services; and Kathy Myers, User Services Supervisor. They will make the decision what steps should be taken regarding each incident.

Please be as detailed as possible when filling out the form so that staff will have a complete picture of what has taken place.

text field
radio button field
Status of person submitting the form
e-mail address field
text field
radio button field
Did you witness the incident?
date/time field
Date and time of incident
Please enter a date in the first box, and a time in the second box.
text field
textarea field
Please be as detailed as possible and include: descriptions/contact information for people involved, account of the situation.
textarea field
Please include any steps you or other staff took during and after the incident.
checkbox field
Who did you contact?
Please choose all appropriate responses.