Photographing Nature in Costa Rica — Full
Applications for this study tour are closed.
Do you enjoy nature and photography? Then this course may be just what you are looking for.
This course introduces students to the use of digital photography to explore plant and animal species and their habitats. The course will begin with an introduction to digital photography, and then we travel to Costa Rica for eight days, where students will focus on a variety of organisms, learning to photograph them while exploring their biology. We will visit a variety of locations and learn about conservation efforts that are ongoing in Costa Rica.
After studying species and their conservation concerns, students will complete a project that utilizes visual imagery to educate others about the value of and/or threats to biodiversity in Costa Rica.
This study tour fulfills the FAR general education requirement.
Course code and title
Costa Rica
Estimated travel dates
Jan. 16-24, 2024
Estimated costs
Information sessions
Noon, Wednesday, April 12, JAC 215 or Zoom