A photo from the J-Term study tour Sports Journalism: European Football.
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Learn about the Sports Journalism: European Football 2024 J-Term study tour during a virtual information session at noon Wednesday, March 29. Professors Jon Bruning and Jeff Roberg will discuss details about the tour and answer any questions students may have. 

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The study tour group will travel to Europe in January 2024 to attend football matches and write about them, learn about the politics of each country and how they apply to football and tour stadiums, and meet working sports journalists. The specific countries we visit are determined by the soccer schedule, released in the summer, but previous destinations have included Barcelona, Madrid, Milan, Munich, Paris, and London.

This course counts as a Writing Intensive credit.

Learn more about the study tour

For more information, contact:

Jon Bruning: jbruning@carthage.edu, Jeff Roberg: jroberg@carthage.edu