Any publicity material to be posted or distributed on the campus must be approved and stamped by the Office of Student Life, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Allow at least 24 hours for a posting to be approved. Publicity may be posted only in approved areas. Campus posting sites are maintained as a community announcement forum. These sites are not intended to be discussion or opinion forums the Office of Student Life reserves the right to limit or refuse any material considered inappropriate, offensive, inflammatory, or of no interest to the campus community. Postings include but are not limited to flyers, posters, banners, and e-mail.

Specific points

  • Each piece must contain an original approval stamp. Once a poster is approved, the organization is responsible for stamping each item.
  • All postings must contain the name of the sponsoring organization on the face of the advertisement.
  • All forms of advertisement must be removed by the sponsoring group within three days after the event.
  • Organizations advertising for an on campus activity are not permitted to advertise these events off campus without the approval of the Director of Student Activities and the advice and consent of the Office of Communications.
  • All campus publications, items produced for distribution or postings, may not contain alcoholic beverages, other drugs or sexual paraphernalia explicitly or implicitly. Brand names associated with alcohol or other drugs, including logos, symbols, graphics, etc., will not be approved.
  • Reference to a bar or tavern will be permitted only in the event that the consumption of alcohol is not implied (i.e. Tickets for the dance can be purchased at Ron’s Place).
  • Postings deemed by the Office of Student Life to be offensive or inconsistent with the mission of engendering constructive development within the College community will not be approved.
  • Postings may not deface College property.
  • Distributing flyers, placing materials under residence hall room doors or posting flyers on automobiles without permission from the Office of Student Life is prohibited. Door hangers may be permitted with prior approval.
  • Novelty items sold or given away, e-mail messages or other forms of campus announcements that cannot be stamped must conform to the posting policy.
  • Table tents or other forms of advertising to be placed in the dining halls must be stamped in the Office of Student Life and be approved by Sodhexo’s on-site manager.
  • Any items posted on the cafeteria stairwell must be hung with ticky-tack or masking tape. Any items posted on kiosks or bulletin boards must be hung with thumbtacks or staples.
  • Carthage organizations may use the Lentz Hall lobby display case with the approval of the Office of College Relations. Contents of the case are subject to the guidelines of the posting policy.
  • Signs must not be attached to sidewalks, trees, light posts, doors, glass, painted surfaces, sides of buildings, trash cans, fences, or any other non-approved posting area. Postings in violation will be removed. The sponsoring group may be charged for any damage done to these areas.
  • Off-campus advertisers/solicitors are subject to all guidelines of this policy. Under no circumstances is door-to-door solicitation by off-campus groups or individuals permitted.
  • Removing an authorized posting in an authorized area before the end of the event is an act of vandalism and will be treated as such via the disciplinary system.
  • Any college official may remove a posting that does not adhere to these policies.
  • Failure to comply with the posting policy may result in sanctions for individuals or groups including but not limited to removal of posting, written warnings, fines, or loss of posting privileges.
  • Chalk decorations are permitted on sidewalks provided that they are in good taste and in an uncovered area to permit rain washout. Chalking is not permitted on buildings, streets, or other outdoor surfaces.
  • Posting is not permitted on bulletin boards that have been designated for Resident Assistant use.
  • Special requests for posting in an area that is not listed may be submitted to the Director of Student Activities for consideration.
  • Any items not covered under this policy should be presented to the Director of Student Activities for review on a case-by-case basis.
  • Unsolicited mass e-mails, unless approved by the message center or another authorized College office, are prohibited.

Approved posting areas

  • Kiosks
  • Stairwell leading to Dining Commons
  • Bulletin boards:
  • Denhart Hall — one in A-wing basement, one in the lobby, one on each wing, one at northeast entrance.
  • Johnson Hall — one in A-wing basement, one in the lobby, one on each wing.
  • Madrigrano Family Residence Hall — one in the lobby, one on each wing.
  • Swenson Hall — two in the lobby.
  • Tarble Hall — one in the lobby, one on each wing, one at the south entrance.
  • Oaks — one on the first floor of each building.
  • TWC — one between restrooms, one in the lobby.
  • JAC — one next to men’s restroom first floor and second floors, one near the band and choral room hallway.
  • Lentz Hall — one between second and third floors and one between third and fourth floors of north and south stairwell entrances. One on each second-floor landing in north and south stairwells, one near each second floor north and south stairwell doors within the corridor, one in the vending lounge, one in the faculty lounge.
  • Straz Center — one at the south entrance and one in the basement lounge.
  • Hedberg Library — one in Donna’s Bytes, near the fireplace.